Dignity begins with how we connect to our own bodies and treat ourselves with respect. When we listen to our needs and honour our boundaries, we can better recognise the worth in others.

Body Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Compassion

August 25, 2024

Your Body Knows Best

Image of a woman with two hands in prayer position in yoga clothes.

Tantra encourages a holistic view of the self, recognising that physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects are all interconnected.

Body Confidence, Body Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love

August 25, 2024

Body Confidence

A black and white photo showing a person making a heart shape out of their flesh with their hands.

We are all perfectly imperfect human beings doing the best we can and we don’t and won’t always get things right.

Life Coaching, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Love

August 24, 2024

Try a little Tenderness

Photo of sand with a bit of sea and a big heart drawn in the sand

I continue to be fascinated by the different ways in which we experience Pleasure 🧐 Pleasure, that delightful sensation that fills our hearts with bliss and our faces with smiles, is an integral part of the human experience. It’s such a magical emotion that can uplift our spirits, rejuvenate our souls, and bring us closer […]

Pleasure, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Love

August 24, 2024


Picture of a lilac candle on a lilac glittery soft focus background

Learning how to surrender to intensity has been life-changing and has also equipped me to hold space for other souls brave enough to do their inner healing work.

Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Tantra

August 24, 2024


Lady wearing colourful dress hugging herself