Through conscious loving touch we are able to experience the subtle sensations present in both our physical and energetic bodies and this brings greater wholeness and presence. 

Bodywork, Personal Development, Presence, Self-Care, Self-Love, Tantra Massage

August 24, 2024

Body Talk

Silhouette of a woman's side profile on a dark red background

I continue to be fascinated by the different ways in which we experience Pleasure 🧐 Pleasure, that delightful sensation that fills our hearts with bliss and our faces with smiles, is an integral part of the human experience. It’s such a magical emotion that can uplift our spirits, rejuvenate our souls, and bring us closer […]

Pleasure, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Love

August 24, 2024


Picture of a lilac candle on a lilac glittery soft focus background