My intention these day is self-acceptance.
For me acceptance means being fully present to what is without trying to change it. And as per usual, Tantra is a great friend when it comes to embodying our deepest intentions! Throughout the course of the last four years my body has taught me how to love and accept all manner of expressions. From shaking with ecstasy to wailing with grief, Tantra has shown how to stay with my feelings and sensations until they pass through and become something else. Learning how to surrender to intensity has been life-changing and has also equipped me to hold space for other souls brave enough to do their inner healing work.
I have learned and am still learning that each time I practice radical self-acceptance, I am one step further on my journey towards self-love. That each time I allow myself to be exactly as I am and to lean into my experience instead of resisting it, then I am evolving .
I have also learned that when I am in an old pattern of self-sabotaging and/or self-rejection, there is still a part of me that can accept and acknowledge my process, knowing that I will at some stage be able to choose differently and #beginagain.
Which word is guiding you these days?